These are exciting times in the life of the United Reformed Church. I believe there is a fresh movement of God’s Spirit encouraging us as individuals, local congregations and wider groupings to re-focus on mission and discipleship. This is not confined to the United Reformed Church, but is becoming evident simultaneously across the whole church in western Europe.
Evidence for such a movement in The United Reformed Church comes through ‘Walking the Way, a new national resource which sets a vision of discipleship for God’s people today; and also through another more familiar trajectory, Northern Synod’s ‘Way Forward’, encouraging all who are part of the United Reformed Church across Northern Synod to reconsider the ministry of the whole people of God, along with fresh groupings of congregations.
As we embrace new ways of understanding who we are and what we can be and do, these resources help us on our way. Two new initiatives to inspire, challenge and encourage within the life of our Synod are the ‘Growing Leaders’ course, and ‘Footsteps’.
‘Footsteps’ was launched at our March 2018 Synod.
Download the Footsteps toolkit, and learn more about how you can better connect your church to its community, by simply clicking the button below.
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